Oral Communication
For my Oral Communication artifact, I chose my Artist Talk. For my artist talk I focused on my interest and experiences in illustration, my focus on storytelling and mental health in my art, and my creative and technical process. I also focused on the personal meaning behind many of my mental health centered works and shared a version of my artist statement.
My first goal for my artist talk was to share a wide range of my work while focusing specifically on illustrations and paintings. As part of this I also wanted to demonstrate how I created such works. I wanted to share works from my time at SPCC, as well as work done in my own time outside of school. I accomplished this by sharing my best work from both in and out of school, as well as process images and sketches to show how I got from concept to finished work.
My second goal was to establish meaning behind my work. Much of my work draws from my own struggles with mental health issues and my perception of the world. For the second half of the artist talk I focused specifically on my art with mental health meanings behind them and explained how I developed them and the experiences in my life that I drew inspiration from. Being able to be vulnerable in a way that I have control of is an important part of how art impacts my life, and I believe I succeeded in sharing that.
Giving this talk was fun for me, and cathartic in that I was able to share the experiences that influenced more of my deeply personal works. Though my delivery was not perfect, I accept that being a little bit awkward is just a part of who I am, and I am proud of the content of this talk and all the accomplishments I shared in its creation.