Information Literacy
For this article I selected an annotated bibliography created for Public Speaking (COM-231). My speech was an informative one about Migraine Disease, more commonly known as just migraines. This is a very personal topic to me as myself and many of the women on my mother's side of the family suffer or suffered from migraine disease. Therefore, it was important to me that I get my information correct and from legitimate sources.
My first goal with this annotated bibliography was to find and choose sources that were reputable and provided correct information. Because migraine disease is very varied but not yet well understood, having a variety of sources that covered all the different symptoms and aspects of the disease was also vital. I feel I accomplished this by selecting sources that are known for being specifically dedicated to researching migraine, as well as journals and articles that describe the range of possible symptoms that one with the disease may experience.
My second goal was to explain my reasoning behind each source effectively. It was important that my justification for each source was strong and easily understood. I feel that I achieved this through being detailed in explaining the quality of the source, what the source included, and why that information was important to my main points.
My overall goal was to create a strong, informative basis for a speech. I achieved this by first collecting a strong set of sources, and then by building good justifications for each of them. The quality and variety of sources helped me to cover the many different aspects of migraine disease, and overall provided both I and my audience with a wealth of information on the topic.